❤This is {amiable} new shoes Gacha@ the Chapter Four!!
Right now, it was opened!!
✿There is only the fitted mesh included. Please try on DEMO, before buying!!
✿The RARE has Socks Texture Change HUD for all shoes.
If you got the RARE, you can change the socks texture for RARE and also COMMONS.
✿This round is TCF 3rd Anniversary round!! Please don't miss it.
Most of all booths have special limited GIFT welcome to you.
[Event Date: 4th to 20th MAY]
The Chapter Four
❤Participating Shop List;
{amiable} hideki ionic EMPIRE Belle Epoque [[Ascend]]
LAZYBONES [ zerkalo ] AZOURY ChicChica DUE
7Style !Six o'clock! pr!tty [theSkinnery] Ricielli
MINIMAL Garbaggio Luas Flecha Creations
Le Poppycock ::C'est la vie !:: fame femme
montony Stasey Oller RINKA Kalopsia N-Uno
Bleich pumec Astralia #Foxy Cosmic Dust
Little Branch Glam Affair Glamrus ieQED
MUDSKIN & ENFANT [ keke ] DeeTaleZ imbue
addme. Essenz united colors ::una:: mignon. Valentina E.
***Ambrosia*** 7mad;Ravens dami etham NuDoLu
Pure Poison atooly LE FORME Fashionism montony
CHEZ MOI FURNITURES Lybra Inhale Tattoo Co
.random.Matter. montony LaGyo Vrsion fame femme
Mikunch Atelier Pepe Rebel Gal Love [Z O O M]
[sYs] Design OBE UFO KUNST