{amiable}3WAY Rubbit Fur&Frill Socks Winter Sandals@the Shiny Shabby(50%OFF SALE).

by - 2月 07, 2017

{amiable}3WAY Rubbit Fur&Frill Socks Winter Sandals@the Shiny Shabby(50%OFF SALE).
{amiable}3WAY Rubbit Fur&Frill Socks Winter Sandals@the Shiny Shabby(50%OFF SALE).
Shiny Shabby is a unique vintage-themed shopping event, that brings together the most talented SL 
designers and delivers skillfully crafted 100% original mesh creations. Shiny Shabby opens on the 20th of each
 month and closes on the 15th of the following month.

◉TSS has been opened new round. This is {amiable} new item at the Shiny Shabby!!

This sandals are 3way sandals, so you can wear sandals only or sandals with socks and also you can take the pon-pon away from the sandals.

You can wear your own style. It also has Socks Texture Change HUD (6kinds)!!

These is 50%OFF SALE during the event. Please try on DEMO before buying.

[EVENT DATE: 20th of January  to 15th of February.]

◉Each pack has "Top Texture Change HUD", so you can change the top's color from 6 kinds.


[ zerkalo ]  [ hoorenbeek ]  [ kunst ]
[sYs] Design  .Entwined.  .Shi  ^^ Swallow ^^
Apple Fall  Clef de Peau  Concept  DaD DESIGN
DRD  Fame Femme  Genesis Lab.  MGMen
Minimal  PumeC  RealEvil Industries  RK Poses
Serenity Style

◉Participating Designers◉

{amiable} 22769  !gO! VeNuSShOeS
[LAB737]  [[ Masoom ]]  ::C'est la vie!::  Agata
American Beauty  an lar poses  Bad Seed  BAMSE
Bauhaus Movement  Bee Designs  Brook Hill Living
dami  Dead Dollz  E-Clipse Design  E.V.E  Essences
Essenz  GOOSE  Kaithleen's  kibitz  KUNGLERS
Lucas Lameth  M.Law Designs  Meva  Modulus
offbeat  LEGAL INSANITY  LOTUS.  Lybra  Plastik
Ricielli  ROZOREGALIA  Supernatural  The Little Branch
Valentina E.  Vanity Hair  Yasum  Zibska  #Foxy
-SECRETS-  [theSkinnery]  [White~Widow]  Amitie Poses
AR2 Style  AvaWay  AZOURY  Belle Epoque
BellEquipe Design Store  Bleich  ChicChica  ChiMia
Di'Cor  DIRAM  Fawny  LaGyo  LODE  M.I.X.*
Maubray  mons  Opale Hair  Promagic   Revoul
Sync'd Motion  XXY  Your Dreams  YS&YS  Zen Creations


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