{amiable}{amiable}2200member's Group Gift100%ORIGINAL MESH2200memberFreeFreebieGGGiftGroup GiftMESHnodokanodoka VellaPrizeShoes
{amiable}2200member's Group Gift &renewal opening!!
Hi, thank you so much for visiting {amiable} blog. I appreciate it.
Now, the number of the group member is more than 2200!! Thank you so much!!
I am glad to meet you in SL, so I have put new group gift at the main store.
Please feel free to grab it. I made the shoes with socks.
✿There are non-rigged Ver(Resize Script) and Rigged Ver.
✿The shoes and Socks have Texture Change HUD.
✿100%Original Mesh.
I hope you like it. Thank you so much for all of your support.
If the member is bigger and bigger, I am going to make new gift as well!!!!!!
{amiable}main store
I have also remodeled new main store. This is the first time for me to build the building myself. I hope you also enjoy it!!