{amiable}{amiable}Cutaway Shoulder Top&Flower Tulle Skirt50%OFF SALEamiableChapter fourCutawayEventHalf pricenodokanodoka VellaSecond lifeshoulderSkirtSLTCFthe Chapter FourTulle
{amiable} Cutaway Shoulder Top&Flower Tulle Skirt@The Chapter Four(50%OFF SALE).
Hi, sweet Angels. What's up? Thank you so much for reading my blog always.
I am glad to meet you here!!
Today, ''the Chapter Four'' March Round was opened!!
I am participating in this round again.
These are {amiable} new item at the Half Price ROOM!!
50%OFF SALE!! Please don't miss it!!
One thing that I changed is including '' Fitted Mesh''.
However, this is first time for me, I am not sure if it is perfect for you or not.
Please try on DEMO before purchasing.
Right now, I am waiting for the mesh body kid for designer.
I hope I can make Fitted mesh for some mesh bodies!!
Please be patient!!
It also includes standard size as well.
♡There is ''Fitted Mesh'' included.
♡{Standard Size XXS-L}
♡[EVENT DATE: 3 .4 - 3 .20.2016]
After the event, it will become normal price!! Please don't miss it!!
After the event, it will be sold at {amiable}main store.
Shop List:
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