{amiable}Three-layerd Maxi Casual Dress @Shiny Shabby(50%OFF SALE).

by - 1月 22, 2016

{amiable}Three-layerd Maxi Casual Dress

Hi, thank you so much for visiting {amiable} blog.

Yesterday, the ShinyShabby January Round was opened.
I am participating in this round as well.

Shiny Shabby is a unique vintage-themed shopping event, that brings together the most talented SL designers and delivers skillfully crafted 100% original mesh creations. Shiny Shabby opens on the 20th of each month and closes on the 15th of the following month.

This is new item "{amiable}Three-layerd Maxi Casual Dress".

This dress can be used top or skirt as well, but normally I highly recommend
 you to wear dress type.

It has been reduced by 50% OFF at the ''Shiny Shabby''.
Please don't miss it!!

[EVENT DATE:  1. 20 - 2. 15. 2016]

There is more info.

Store List;
[ zerkalo ] [ Entwined ] [ hoorenbeek ] [ kunst ]
[ NikotiN ] [sYs] Design Neva River Estates
PumeC The Little Branch
Participating Designers:

{amiable }  22769 !APHORISM! !bang poses .random.Matter.

::C'est la vie !::  ::K::  ::una::  [ hoorenbeek ]  [ keke ]  [ kunst ]
[ zerkalo ]  [^.^Ayashi^.^]  [AR] Asia Rae  [Entwined]  [NikotiN]
[sYs] Design  [theSkinnery]    =DeLa*=  agapee  Amacci
American Beauty  an lar poses  Apple Fall  Apt B  ariskea
Ascend  Atelier Pepe  AZOURY  BAMSE  Bauhaus Movement
bbqq  BellEquipe Design Store  Caboodle  COCO  Concept
Convair  dami  Dead Dollz  DUE  E-Clipse Design
Elysium by aleida rhode  EMO-tions  Empyrean Forge
Essenz  glam affair  ieQED  kibitz  Knick Knacks  Llorisen
LODE  Lowen  M.BIRDIE  Meva  Miamai  MINIMAL  Modulus
monso  NOMAD  N-Uno  PEQE  Pewpew!  Pixel Mode
pr!tty  PumeC  RAMA  RealEvil Industries  revival  Ricielli
Royal Fusion  Serenity Style  Tentacio  The Cube Republic
The Little Branch  Toiz  Valentina E.  White Widow  Yasum
YS&YS  Zenith

Shiny Shabby
Shiny Shabby

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